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The fields he had known since he was old enough to notice had not changed, nothing was different. Even the smell of the fertile earth was the same as his memory recalled.Clarity of this familiar landscape, felt somehow, foreign amongst all hazy memories of his recent past. Jake knew his name, knew this road, these were absolute certainties, but his recent history was nothing more than a flimsy curtain. One he could almost see through, but somehow, the gauzy material did just enough to hide the. Max grabbed Carol by the hair & had her deepthroat his wang. The old bitch no longer had a gag reflex & that's why she was now nothing but a human cock socket for Max . Carol swallowed the white jizz dessert & then followed her master/son to the shower where they cleaned one another. Chapter 3- At Bill & JOYCE'S homeBill was filming his wife Joyce licking his Son's ass , the old bitch enjoyed licking her 20something son's ass . Tonguing away for Joyce it was like a chocolate popsicle .. )Snow began to unbutton the pants before her, expertly sliding them down, gasping as the advisors cock popped free, she had always thought her father was the biggest she had ever seen, but she was wrong. The advisors balls hung heavy beneath his thick cock and Snow was amazed at how the veins protruded from the length. When she gripped it she found her hand could barely fit around the girth. Slowly she began to stroke her father and the advisor, giggling as they began to stammer over words, she. No this man knew "the" thing "Roberto, you know don't you? You know! I mean the reason! It's been two years. Whatever burr he had up his ass has got to have worked its way the hell out and gone by now," she said. Roberto sighed, no cringed. "Not this particular burr," he said, finally. Her look was very serious. "You know the reason, Roberto. You know why he left like that!" she said "Darla, when he was here last, he was suffering from the way you, and your guy, raped him in the divorce. He.
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