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"You wanted a dose of pain with your pleasure. There's no point in complaining now that it hurts."Fortunately, none of the men was interested in long, drawn-out sex. They wanted to jerk off, and using me for this purpose was much more rewarding than using their own hands. It only took a few minutes for each man to fill me with his spunk. They no longer announced whether they were a winner or a loser. As soon as one man was finished, another one took his place without giving me any rest. My. I get up and sit on the edge of the bed. Just then I realize I just molested another boy. It was the best orgasuim I had every had lasting over 15 min from the time it started. My legs were weak and shaky as I stood. I grabed a towel and wiped Billy off with a towel. like a mother would dry her son off after a bath. I talk to billy now really for the first time since he arrived. I tell him we had to keep this a secret and not tell anyone. He just shakes his head up and down and smiled. I notice. As I felt his cock pump it set me off my cock exploding shot after shot so hard my cum flew over my head hitting the wall behind us.As his cock began to subside I turned facing him letting him see my cum filled mouth before showing him that I was swallowing it all. He gave me some paper clothes to clean up telling me that there was nothing wrong with my ejaculation. When I had dressed again he asked if I wanted to come back for another appointment in a couple of days, smiling I replied yes.The. Well, two down, one to go. The finale was on Thursday morning at the TV studio in town. The program was a breakfast show and began at six am and ran to nine am. My segment was scheduled at seven. There were three on-air hosts, a woman interviewer, a newsman/interviewer, and a weather guy. Pretty much the standard formula for this type of program.I was down at the station at a quarter-to-seven as requested. They took me to a small dressing area where makeup was applied. I didn't expect that, but.
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