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After the shock has passed, we all scurry like scared rats to lie down in front of Kathrine's car. Some lie down on their stomachs. - Tell them to lie on their backs, Kathrine says. I want to put some nice treadmarks on their faces, she says, and laughs a cruel an cackling laugh. The guards order those of us lying on our stomachs to turn around. Kathrine starts the engine, and gives it some gas. The front wheels spin a little before they climb onto the two first prisoners. One can clearly see. . He’d know that voice in the middle of a windstorm on the plains or in a howling snowstorm on top of a mountain. No matter where on earth he was, he would know that voice... Eli was here. He knew it was him! How – he didn’t know, but that was Eli Crow behind him, he’d bet his life on it.“Marshal, you alright?” Eli asked as he pulled the scarf off Dal Hopkins’ face, rolling him over so they could look into each other’s eyes.“Eli, how in the hell did you get here? Or am I dead? Or maybe. Finally one of the guys read the prizes out loud. If the girls won, would get to watch the guys jerk off. If the guys won, they got to fuck the girls. Naturally, the girls started protesting but Tyler said they had agreed just like the guys had. Tyler instructed the girls to strip and then lean forward with their hands on the log they had been sitting on. Then he had the guys strip and move in behind the girls. He was giving each guy 1 minute with each girl and then they had to pull out and. She circled it, letting the pad of her fingertip slowly massage it. The movements became faster and Maggie could see Emily was fast approaching her orgasm. Maggie didn’t want that to happen. Not so soon. As quickly as she could, Maggie reached out and pulled Emily’s hand away from her pussy. Emily almost let out a cry of disappointment, of protestation, but she found Maggie smiling at her. Maggie held her hand and slowly wriggled towards her. When she was closer Maggie sucked at Emily’s finger.
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