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There was a woman here when we arrived, and she was in the process of casting what I believe was a Black Magic spell. She had broken a vial of what appeared to be blood to help power the spell. Time seemed to have slowed down for me, as I watched her, and I had plenty of time to recall the Magic Fire spell that I had been using, and which I had only put on hold and not canceled after we destroyed the demon who had appeared in your open apartment door,” I told a very confused Agent Parks.“Demon. Her hand drifts across my chest softly and slowly lower. Fingers slide across my crotch feeling my cock through my jeans. It starts growing with desire as her fingers trace its length, circling the head and rubbing along the ridge. My hand has slipped down her back and inside her jeans. First feeling her silky panties, then the crack of her ass. She has unbuttoned my zipper, fingers now teasing my pubic hair. She leans back and pulls my shirt off, then hers. I cup her full breast thumbs rubbing. And we embraced the last one listed as our secret cause.Oh; our house isn’t always cock free...sometimes we are all humping guys at the same time...usually in different rooms...but sometimes we get so excited there is an orgy in the living room. We share everything.Mum said the rest of the street and neighbourhood might not be ready for family inter-generational lesbianism yet...though we suspected there was plenty of brotherly and sisterly and family love out was just hush, hush. We. So I would read through the entire issues as well as discovering the joys of masturbation, before I returned the issues to their box. I would stroke and stroke my cock as I read stories and looked at pictures. The first time I came I was shocked by how good it felt, I think I might of screamed out. I remember looking at my hand covered in a clear stickiness that stretched between my fingers. I didn’t want to wipe my hand on my sheets, so I just licked it clean. It was a little slimy feeling,.
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