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Ken watched the lasers hit the San Francisco's shields and bounce away into space. "Well, we know the shields work. Now, all guns, open fire again."Captain Tvak of the T'laris watched the human ship thread between them. "He thinks we won't fire because of the T'Val. He is in for a surprise. It is time to crack this sherick like a newborn cub. Drop us below her. Target the bow and destroy it." Right away, Captain," replied the helmsman and weapons officer.Aboard the San Francisco, the ship. The Martyns loved what they considered luxurious accommodations.Lee, Ulani and Debora set up a little office area outside their room. They got Bones to make a small platform and cut the legs off the front of the desks. So, the desks sat half on and half off the platform. Then their taller customers could sit on the other side, but the Pixs would be comfortable on theirs.They found some office equipment for the Martyns to start with until Lee could set up an accounting system. She would have to. This was not a young woman in the midst of sacrifice, giving of her body in order to secure her employment. She wanted him. He had to believe that. Hands shaking with excitement, he lifted her dress, sweeping it up her legs to her hips and revealing her round thighs. Through the semi-transparent white nylon of her pantyhose he saw dark-colored panties. Nothing sexy. They were practical, the kind any high school girl might wear when she thought no one would ever see them. He ran his hands behind. Kat was excited the day she and her Uncle Luther took his boat trailer over to Stuttgart to buy a new boat and motor, just like Luther’s.They got the boat licensed and outfitted, and ready to go.They had two more floating blinds Luther had built. Luther’s floating blinds have camo net curtains at one end. They’d run the front of the boat through curtains into a slip tie it up, where the hunters could step out of the boat onto the floor of the duck blind.Late that day after returning from.
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